Monday, May 19, 2008

Trancing, a How-To Guide

In order to give increased results, many psions have been using trancing as a method to enhance abilities, sensitivity, and general results in practice. Just as grounding, centering, and meditation are used before practicing (especially during major or important projects), a trance is entered prior to the beginning, and is used throughout the practice. There are two basic types of trance, and different ways to enter each of them. I encourage you to use a trance in order to increase effectiveness in psionics, and to beware of the dangers of entering one.

Why do I want to Trance?

It makes most psionic skills work better. Being in an altered state of mind that is more focused is beneficial because it helps you focus on the task at hand. For example, being in a trance while programming energy allows for a closer connection to the subconscious, and it is easier to use conceptual programming. Being more focused while Remote Viewing makes it so that you remove yourself from the situation more (also a closer connection to the subconscious), limiting Analytic Overlay.

Why does it make you more focused?

For the same reason as meditation. It quiets the mind in the same way that counting to 10, meditating, or any such exercise before practice does. However, if you remain in a trance for the duration of your practice, you can maintain these effects, as opposed to starting off with them.

What is the difference between a trance and meditation?

The biggest difference lies in the prolonged application of trancing. While meditation may clear the mind and focus you before a practice, the effect diminishes as the practice session grows long and longer. Trancing allows you to remain in an altered state of consciousness throughout the practice, keeping you focused.

Also, Blank-Mind trances (see below) are of a very similar mind state. An overload trance (see below) on the other hand, is in more of a sending/manipulation mindset (different from meditation, which is conductive to receiving).

Are there different kinds of trances?

Yes, there are Overload Trances and there are Blank-Mind Trances. Based on the kind of psionic work you are to be doing, each kind of trance offers different things. For instance, those people who practice psychokinesis find it extremely helpful if they have a clear mind (usually accomplished by meditating beforehand, or during the practice). Those who use my method of "clairvoyance", remote viewing, and remote presence may find an overload trance more helpful. I personally use different kinds of trances depending on the work I am doing. I prefer RP'ing to PK, and generally lean towards the Overload trance.

Is there any danger in trancing?

Yes, there are dangers in everything. Operating heavy machinery (like a car) in a trance is not advisable because of a slowed reaction time. Also, going too deep in a trance usually results in just not caring about the practice (hence a poor practice session).

How do I achieve an Overload Trance?

First let me say that although you can use a brainwave generator program to enter a trance, I do not recommend the their use, and cannot say that they have helped me. One of the easiest methods that I have found is to listen to *gasp* Trance music. is nice enough to play various kinds of techno/trance music 24 hours a day.

The easiest way to use an overload trance that I have found is to listen to one score of music (the bass beat for instance), then gradually split your attention between 2 scores (the bass and keyboard), then split between 4, then 8. Using this method you will gradually enter a trance, but will not realize it for a while. So before you enter, have your goal in mind.

How do I achieve a Blank-Mind Trance?

Once again this can be done with music. This time, though, instead of focusing on the music, and then spreading out your concentration, concentrate on one line of repeating music. Listen to it repeat. As you do this, gradually realize that the only important thing is that line of music (clearing your mind). The more you become focused on it, the deeper the trance gets.

Another easy way to try this is to "shift your perception". After closing your eyes shift the focus of your concentration. That is, try to see the world from a space just behind your eyes. Oftentimes this will induce a trance, just because you are not used to looking at the world this way.

Any last tips?

I use trance all of the time, but most of the time only a light trance. In everything you do, be careful, going too deep in a trance is unproductive, not going deep enough into a trance is unproductive. I use a light trance a lot of the time and find that it helps. This is probably different from person to person, so try things out and see what is right for you. Also, in energy manipulation practice be careful to monitor your energy, as you can end up using too much energy and experiencing energy drain.


Trancing is useful in aiding your psionic practices because it can keep you focused, add to your programming ability, enhance sending and receiving, increase RV accuracy, and other various benefits. But with everything comes a risk; pay attention to what your practice is, and try different kinds of trances for different kinds of results. So, select your trance carefully, be careful, and have fun.

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