Monday, May 19, 2008

Healing Manual

The modalities discussed in this article should never be used without seeking advice from your own physician. I, Annie, as well as Sean (peebrain) nor are to be held legally responsible for any methods attempted from this manual. They are strictly to be used ether in conjunction, or with permission, from your general physician. In other words, don't sue us. I'll get mad.

Table of Contents

1. Glossary of Terms
2. Aspect of Permission
3. General Applications
4. Anatomy/Physiology Knowledge
5. Different Types of Healing
1. Psi
2. Reiki
3. Massage
4. Acupuncture
5. Cupping
6. Where to go From Here

Glossary of Terms

* Psionic Healing - easing pain, discomfort, or disease of your target through the use of Psi energy
o Hands-On - when you are physically present for the healing session
o Distance - to heal from a distance
* Empathy - the telepathic perception of another's feelings, emotions, or pain as the case may be
* Biofeedback - a technique in which patients are taught to gain voluntary control over certain physiological conditions and bodily functions
* Linking - the act of creating and maintaining an immaterial bond between two minds
* Scanning - Method of finding information about a target via telepathic means, varying in depth and accuracy
* Reiki - a method of natural healing based on the application of Universal Life Force Energy
o Some of these terms do not fall under the category of Psionic Healing, but since I will be mentioning them in this manual, I've decided to include the definitions.
* Massage Therapy - the use of hands-on treatment to relieve stress, tension, and diseases of the body
* Acupuncture - the use of pricking with fine needles on meridian points to treat a wide variety of diseases of the body. It is a means of balancing one's own energy
* Crystal Healing - the placement of different color crystals with different energy incentives over the body, also used in an act of balancing
* Aromatherapy - an ancient practice of utilizing essential oils to heal by therapeutically stimulating the olfactory (nasal) senses, mental responses, circulatory and respiratory functions
* Zooming In - this is just a term I made up for lack of better vocabulary. Every brain has a zoom function, even to microscopic levels. When I refer to "zooming in", what I'm trying to relay is seeing in your patient beyond what your physical eyes are trained to see.
* Anatomy - the study of the structure of the human body
* Physiology - the study of the functions of the human body
* Kinesiology - the study of muscles and their relation to movement and pain relief

Aspect of Permission

For those new to healing, and even the overeager veterans, we sometimes forget that not everyone wants our help. To use these skills on unreceptive patients is asking for trouble. Most likely it just plain won't work, or be as effective as you had hoped. Worst case, you can even do harm to the very person you're trying to help.

The other thing to keep in mind, is that just because the mouth says "yes" the subconscious may be saying "heck no!" or "not yet!" In my own experience, reading this just becomes intuition. My recommendation is that you ask first, and then wait for the "real" answer to come to you silently. This may take practice for you; it may not.

But ask as many people as possible, since the more practice you have the more easily that intuition kicks in.

General Applications

Where you can apply the healing described here in your own life? For starters - yourself!

Here's a short list of conditions I have seen this type of healing taught here applied to:

* Chronic headaches/migraines
* Lower back pain
* Rehabilitation from surgery (Only orthopedic in my own experience)
* Fibromyalgia pain (Widespread musculoskeletal pain and fatigue)
* Sciatica (Inflammation of the sciatic nerve)
* Mental/Emotional fatigue or imbalance
* Insomnia
* Endometriosis and other gynecological disorders
* Lacerations (Cuts)
* Contusions (Bruises)
* Sprained, strained, or stiff muscles
* Neuromuscular conditions
* Disease of the nervous system
* Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
* Joint capsule and Range of Motion problems
* Temporomandibular Joint Syndrome (TMJ)
* Strengthening of the Immune System
* Anxiety
* Tinnitus (Ringing in the ears)
* Lateral Epicondylitis/Medial Epicondylitis (Tennis/Golfers elbow)
* Adhesive Capsulitis (Frozen Shoulder)
* Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
* Fevers
* Sunburns

Anatomy/Physiology Knowledge

Technically I suppose you don't need to know Anatomy and Physiology to be able to perform this type of healing. But while healing, it's pretty dang important to know what you're doing to that body and why. So that's why I call it a requirement. If you have little or no knowledge, I suggest going to a local bookstore and buying an anatomy coloring book. This will get you some of the basics. And let's face it - coloring is fun.

The human body is so complicated and complex. Please, please don't just dive right into something as critical as healing when you have absolutely no background knowledge of the human body. Again, this will more than likely produce no results and may even cause harm to the person you are wanting to assist.

Different Types of Healing

Plain vanilla Psionic Healing
Hands-On Technique

Depending on what condition I'm seeing, the treatment will vary. The most important part here is your intention. The second most important part is your hands. Your hands are amazing tools, gifts if you will. I always take a moment to meditate before I begin this type of session. It's not even meditation really. Even if it's just 2 minutes. Breathe. Center. And most of all, be PRESENT with your mind on that person and their needs. Do not be making a grocery list, or thinking about that deadline you may not make. This is THEIR time, and it is YOUR job to honor that.

Make the person you're about to heal comfortable. If they're on their stomach, a pillow under the ankles will go a long way. If they're on their back, a pillow under their knees does too. Of course, a nice comfy pillow under the head always helps the person to relax as well. If they need to be laying on their side, place a pillow between their knees (the fluffier the better), one under their head, and one for them to "hug" at their chest.

Put your hands on the affected area. Mentally create a bond between your hands and their pain. Zoom in as far as your mind will let you. See inside your client's body. Notice the ligaments, the fascia covering the muscles, the bones, the organs. Once you're able to do this, you'll understand why it's necessary. Chances are, the zooming in will lead you to be able to "see" exactly what the cause(s) is/are.

While in editing phase of this manual, it was brought to my attention that the main question that will arise from this is "How do you zoom in?". I really didn't think this was something that needed explanation, so bear with me while I try.

"Zooming in" is almost like daydreaming. Everyone daydreams, right? Think about school, whether you're still in it or not. Remember that one really boring teacher who had that voice that never changed pitch? And his tie was always crooked or her pantyhose was always bunched? Yeah, that's the class. Remember how your eyes would gloss over and you'd stare at something, anything, and the rest of you would go numb? My boring high school teacher was Mr. Zurich - Early European History. His socks never matched. I found myself staring at them so often and just zoning out. It really bothered me that a grown man's socks didn't match. I mean it REALLY bothered me. And it's not like I was in a position to say anything to him about it. So to cope with my own obsessive nature, I just stared. And daydreamed. And my mind and body were numb, my eyes glossed over. My daydreaming led me to unraveling his socks, and in my daydream I saw his bare feet. My mind continued this process until I had dissected his feet and calves down to the very nerve supply of the bone. This is the first time I remember using this skill I've termed "zooming in." I hope that answers at least part of the question of "How do you zoom in?".

Now back on track. Once you've found the problem, you're ready to begin the healing process.

My personal method is just to, for lack of a more eloquent word, "suck" the problem out of their body. This takes time, and coaxing, and a pulling like sensation. Most of all, patience. A little massaging of the area (even if you aren't formally trained) can assist in this technique.

If you meet the common problem of sucking it out and depositing it into your own body, I will give you a little trick that has helped me more times than I can count. Keep a stack of pennies with you. After you've gone in and brought the problem energy out of their body, distribute it into the penny. And for the love of Bob Dylan, please don't use that penny again. Throw it away. Put it in a water fountain and make a wish. Just don't leave it out there for someone else to pick up that icky stuff.
Distance Technique

While using your hands as tools no longer applies, this is pretty much the same technique. You're just not there. This technique requires a bit of a stronger link between you and the subject of your healing. That's not really a big deal, though. So don't make it out to be. Many people use Remote Presence for this technique. I don't really find it necessary myself, but on occasion I've been known to "slip" into it.

Instead of using your hands on the affected area, just use your concentration - your intent. If you do choose to Remote Presence during this technique, a little massage of the area can do a great deal of good. Otherwise, it's the same. Suck it out. Pull it out. Coax it out. And get your trusty penny to save yourself some trouble later on down the line.

Reiki (ray-kee)

Note: Reiki is NOT something that can be taught over the net. It is an oral tradition passed down usually through classes or weekend retreats. There are three levels of Reiki. Reiki 1 is the introduction. Completion of Reiki 2 means you're a practitioner. Reiki Master/Teacher is the highest level, and you are able to attune and truly teach others. I am only a Reiki Practitioner, so all I can give you here is an overview. And maybe a few tools to play with before you decide to take that Reiki workshop.

As I said, Reiki is an oral tradition. The history is fascinating, and I recommend Googling it if you're truly interested in learning this powerful healing tool.

Reiki is truly an adventure. Intent is all that counts. Reiki is always right and perfect. Phyllis Furumoto, the Grand Master of Reiki once said "It is not the ACT, but the INTENTION that vibrates out into the universe." So whenever you intend to help, to bring balance, healing and understanding, you WILL (in the right and perfect way for that particular situation).

Attunements are given throughout Reiki 1 and 2. These are said to "open" the channels and let the Reiki flow with more ease.

Reiki also uses symbols. Symbols have been a powerful tool since ancient times. A cross for Christians, the Star of David for the Jewish faith. Heck, the middle finger while you're driving. All these symbols have an energy associated with them. And it is the belief that when you use such symbols, you're drawing upon the same energy of everyone else who has ever used that symbol. (So keep that one in mind next time that middle finger starts to sneak up!)

In keeping with my previous agreements, I will not post the actual symbols here in this manual. I will, however, tell you about the three main ones.

The first symbol is named Choku Rei. The word that comes to mind is Empowerment - it is the symbol of power. It can be used to empower items - jewelry, crystals, anything. It activates, intensifies, and expands. It is multi-dimensional - and goes on for infinity. It can be quite cleansing, and can tend to "stir things up" within the recipient and the receiver. It is clearing - it dissolves, heals, balances. It is inwardly balancing, creating unity and harmony, because it represents the Universal Force. It is used to calm arguments, though it can stir some baggage up before calming can begin.

Choku Rei loosely translates to "All the energy in the Universe be here now."

The next Reiki symbol is called Sei Heki. It also creates balance. It is the mental/emotional symbol. It deals specifically with mental and emotional issues when used for healing. It is said to tap into Infinite knowledge, wisdom, strength, and unity. It provides protection and peace when used in certain techniques. It enables us to have a safe distance from our "stuff" so that we can safely process it - helps us get unstuck, assists with detached observation so we can logically deal with difficult emotional issues. It brings clarity to issues. It also brings insight, clarity, and understanding in a Universal way - it goes beyond the personal and brings a deeper meaning. It heals attitudes and beliefs for the highest good of everyone involved. It assists us with getting to the root of confusion and anger. It assists in inspiration. It can also be used to assist in opening intuition.

There are three translations of Sei Heki. "God and Man are One", "I have the key", "Greatest Peace".

The third Reiki symbol is named Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen. This is the connectedness symbol - connectedness with others and ourselves. It affirms Oneness - we are all connected, we are all one. It is harmonizing for us individually. It works on all levels: physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual. It is said to align major organs, chakras, glandular systems, etc. It is a catalyst for spiritual development and discovery. It has two translations: "I bestow upon you the Truth of Truths", "The Essence is Right Mindfulness".
Mental/Emotional Technique

The Mental/Emotional Technique is intended to assist with balancing these two forces within a person. This is ideally done when there is an adequate amount of quiet, uninterrupted time in which to do this technique. To do this technique you:

1. Use your non dominant hand under the person's head
2. Use your dominant hand to draw the following symbols (in the order given), at the crown of the person's head
3. Draw these symbols once, and say three times
* Sei Heki
* Choku Rei
* Say name of person (three times also)
4. Lay dominant hand on the crown of the person's head.
* Don't move your hands away until you feel the "session" is fully complete
* It's also good to have your hands touching each other (if possible)

Distance Technique

The distance technique allows you to focus the Reiki energy for absentee healing. Reiki is not limited by "time" or "space" as we are in this world. This is important to keep in mind when using this technique. It will assist you in working with yourself and others from a distance. To do this technique you:

1. Hold in your mind what/who you wish to Reiki... and where they are if you know
2. If you have a picture of the person, or an article from this person, that can help you - but is not necessary for the technique to work
3. Place your non-dominant hand on the "bottom"
4. With your dominant hand, draw these symbols once, and say three times
* Choku Rei
* Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen
* Choku Rei
5. Place dominant hand on "top" of the other hand, to "hold" what you are Reiking between.


While this requires schooling and such, a good backrub can go a long way. I think the legality in most states is just that you can't charge for a session unless you're licensed. There really isn't a distance technique, unless you get into Remote Presence. That's a whole other article for a whole other day. So I'll keep it to the Hands-On stuff.
Hands-On Technique

This is pretty self-explanatory. Have the person you're healing tell you where it hurts. Use your intuition (and your knowledge of anatomy and physiology!) to know where to put your hands. Massage the area at the pressure requested by the person you're trying to heal until relief is felt. See? That's not so hard!


Acupuncture DOES require a license. I am unable to teach you any specifics without breaking all kinds of contractual agreements. I suggest you do your own research on the topic, and visit an acupuncturist. Most of us are more than willing to answer specific questions of our patients. I just wanted to mention this, as it is an awesome tool for healing.


Cupping is used in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) as an alternative (or in conjunction with) acupuncture. In TCM, it is believed to stir up any stagnant blood. In TCM, blood equates to energy. Cupping is basically a series of layouts on the body. The cups are used at certain points in these layouts, and suction is applied. The old school way of doing this was to have tweezers with a cotton ball. Lighting the cotton ball on fire and sticking it in the cup quickly and removing it creates a vacuum effect. Now, with insurance premiums as high as they are, we have developed a safer way of doing this. Cups are now plastic, instead of glass. And they have a pump you apply to the end of the cup to create the suction. No fire extinguisher needed.

Depending on your state, cupping may or may not require licensure. However, families and friends have been performing this on one another for tens of thousands of years. Again, you can't charge money for a cupping session. And I'd steer clear of anyone who might strike you as sue happy - as the cupping tends to leave hickeys for a day or two. If you find a Chinese medicine store in your area, they will sell cupping sets. And if you choose to purchase one, I'll be happy to point you in the right direction on how to go about helping your willing friends and family. (18 and older please)

Where to go From Here

That's up to you. I wish you all well on your journey of healing. I hope to write more specific techniques for the conditions listed on the first page soon. Though I think I've given you more than enough information to process as it stands. I am available in chat room for any specific questions that may arise from reading this. Good luck, and be well.

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