Monday, May 19, 2008

Subtle Subconscious Ripples

I Hear Voices in My Head

The voices do not tell me to burn things, or anything like that. I'm not crazy, I promise. But hey, you're reading this document on the internet, so maybe it's just better if you assume the worst anyways.

On the plus side - the voices do tell me about how people around me are truly feeling, how to best help my friends with their problems, and sometimes I even get handy warnings that save me from doing something foolish. I get structured "lessons" that help me better myself and help me to understand my own internal thinking and incorrect assumptions. The voices deal with me on a personal level that makes learning very effective.

For example, just recently I was having issues with my ego. I knew something was wrong, but I couldn't put my finger on it, so I asked my subconscious to help me out. I went about my life like normal, but every once in a while, my subconscious would butt in and say, "You know, that experience you just had relates to the lesson you want to learn." This would really confuse me, because the experiences my subconscious pointed out seemed unrelated. This happened over a period of a month, and I accumulated a lot of experiences that were all linked to this issue I was having with my ego.

Finally, I figured it out. I had become proud of helping people, which actually causes problems in the long run. My subconscious confirmed that it was the lesson I was searching for, and all my past experiences now made sense. This type of personal learning is very helpful - my subconscious knows exactly what I'm thinking, and can instantly identify thoughts that are unhealthy. It can then alert me of them.

(Please be aware: I have the freedom to remain stubborn and think whatever I want - my subconscious is not policing my thoughts and punishing me for thinking "incorrectly". But if I want a lesson, and I'm open to it, then my subconscious is willing to help me achieve my goal of learning a lesson.)
How to Get Started

The first step is learning the difference between your voice, and the voice of your subconscious. This separation isn't always definite - in fact, sometimes my thoughts blur between my own, and my subconscious. But a lot of times, there is a distinct difference.

To do this, you need to learn to not think of anything, damper your emotions, and remove all expectation. Picture your mind as a pool of water - every time you think, you create ripples. Every emotion you feel, you create larger waves. Expectation also forms ripples, which is why you need to sit back and relax without expecting anything. You need to have a perfectly calm pool of water. When you can achieve that, you'll notice that ripples start to form on their own. This is your subconscious.

A good way to do that is to pose yourself a question, and wait to hear an answer. For example, think about a friend, and ask, "How does Sally feel today?" Then wait to hear something. This act of waiting will put your mind in a nice receptive state. If you aren't emotionally attached to the outcome, and you just sit there waiting for an answer, it will make your mind very quiet and ready to receive.

When you first start to do this, you might notice a ripple here or there, and then get very excited. Excitement is like dropping a boulder into your pool of water. It's great that you heard something, but you need to stay calm, and keep your mind in a receptive state of mind. If you posed yourself a question, usually the answer will come in a flash.

If you aren't receiving anything, ask the same question over again. Some questions I've sat down and asked for ten minutes or longer, until I received an answer that I was satisfied with. To do that, I ask my question, then wait maybe 20 seconds. If I don't hear any reply, I will ask again, and wait another 20 seconds. I will keep doing this until I get an answer. Be determined! You'd be surprised the sorts of answers you'll come up with after annoying the crap out of your subconscious with the same question over and over again. Don't stop until you are satisfied.
Subconscious or Imagination?

When you first start doing this, you might be very suspicious that you're creating these answers with your imagination. You just might be - at first it's hard to know for sure. The only way to ensure that your answers aren't from your imagination is to have confidence in your ability to make your conscious mind quiet. If your conscious mind is perfectly quiet, and you are waiting for an answer to your question, then your imagination is also waiting.

What usually happens when you first start is that you begin to hear an answer, and then your imagination kicks in, and starts trying to create an answer based on the first few fragments that you correctly received. So you end up with some good information, and some information that might make sense to you, but is incorrect.

This happens because you can't keep your mind quiet. For example, let's say you have a little crush on a girl, and you want to know if she's into you. You ask, "Does Jessica Alba like me?" Your subconscious starts to reply with, "Jessica Alba doesn't know you exist," but since you are all dreamy and emotional about it, you only hear, "Blah Alba blah know blah blah." You start to get emotional, and your imagination starts to fill in the blanks... and you incorrectly receive "Jessica Alba needs to know you love her". Congratulations - you've just screwed everything up.

But don't worry, it happens to the best of us. It just takes some practice in understanding what you are emotional about, and the ability to recognize when you are being emotional about something. There are some questions I can't get answers to because I am too emotional when I think about the question. Emotions mean that I have waves splashing around in my pool of water - and the subtle ripples from the subconscious get lost in the furry.
You Are Not Ready

I really hate to sound cliché - but this is true. You will only hear what you are ready to hear. If you don't believe that precognition is possible, then when you receive precognitive information from your subconscious, your beliefs start to create ripples that interfere with it. You analyze the information, and say, "That can't be true", and in a flash the information becomes corrupted by your own limitations.

For example, you might have read my story in the introduction about my ego, and thought, "Why doesn't Sean's subconscious just tell him the lesson he wanted to learn? If you can ask anything, and hear anything, then why not ask for the answer, and be done with it?" The reason is that my conscious mind wasn't ready to hear the answer. Certain things need to be understood. What good is it if I'm trying to teach you Calculus, and I give you all the answers on the test? The only thing I taught you was how to pass the test - when you get a job at NASA where you need to apply Calculus, you'll fail. You are not your subconscious. You need to be able to make decisions on your own without sitting around waiting for your subconscious to reply. To do that, you need understanding, not just superficial knowledge.

Use your subconscious as a learning tool. A way to understand reality from a different perspective, and challenge yourself. Don't use your subconscious as a replacement for logic, or decision making. Use it in addition to logic, and use it to help you make decisions. Keep your expectations, emotions, and thoughts still - and you will be able to pick up on the subtle useful ripples from the depths of your subconscious.

Communicating with your Subconscious


All of the exercises presented on PsiPog are great for accomplishing tasks and getting better using psi, but your subconscious is the gatekeeper. Basically, all the exercises are instructions to your subconscious to do something. Visualizations, anchoring, associations, and any other trick we can pull out of our sleeves are all geared at telling your subconscious what you want to do. You don't move the psi, you don't make the psi ball, you don't spin the pinwheel; your subconscious does.

This is a scary concept for some people. Some of us have the power to do some amazing things with our mind - what if our subconscious just decided to do these things without our permission? I've been mad enough at a person to think "I'm gonna kill you!" but of course I didn't mean it - what if my subconscious misunderstood? What if it thought I was giving it a command? Or what if my subconscious develops an attitude of it's own and decides by itself to hurt someone? It is a scary concept - but that's just more of a reason why we need to be able to communicate clearly with our subconscious and tell it what we really want. The subconscious mind is like a computer - it doesn't make decisions on it's own unless we program it to. Your subconscious is your responsibility, and the only way to know what is programmed in your head is to develop a link and check it out yourself.

"You're nuts - I control my body - my subconscious doesn't play that big of a role." Oh really? What do you do in life without first asking for something from your subconscious? You move your fingers, but do you send the electrical signals to your muscles? You walk to the store, but do you process the air you breath to give your legs energy? Even something as simple as thinking requires electricity and a specific balance of chemicals. It seems this "subconscious" isn't just a handy tool to manipulate for psionics - it's a part of everything you do. Communicating with your subconscious is vital for success in controlling your body and mind.

Not many people are comfortable with the idea of talking to themselves. I hear voices in my head, don't you? Society has branded us as crazy, but since we're already talking about moving things with our minds and reading another's mind, why let the immature labels stop you from learning about your own body? After all, this is your body, not society's, so it's good to keep tabs on what's going on inside of it. Not only that, but your subconscious is a part of you. It's not some external object or entity.* Nothing is wrong with exploring your own mind.
Right Now

The first thing to realize is that your subconscious is talking to you right now. It could be spattering off information you've requested without even realizing it, giving you a status report on a cut you have on your leg, or telling you to "scratch that itch". Ever think about how you know certain things? How do you know when you're hungry? How do you know when you have to go to the bathroom? How do you remember things? We take a lot of things for granted and have learned through bad habits to ignore messages that aren't vital to our existence. That song on the radio or that TV show is more important than how much water is in our system - let "someone else" take care of that, right? Oh hell no! Unfortunately, there are a lot of useful messages that aren't vital that we learn to ignore. Not only that, but the link goes both ways - once you get the hang of it, you're free to ask your subconscious questions along with receive these handy messages.

If your subconscious is talking right now, why don't you hear it? Most likely because you're thinking about ten thousand useless things at once and you drown it out. You won't hear it like you hear normal noises; it "talks" to you with flashes of emotion and thought concepts. It's talking to you right now, maybe if you listened you'd hear something. Ever notice meditation is aimed at getting your conscious mind shut up? Sylvia Boorstein is quoted saying, "Don't just do something. Sit there." We don't think it's great just because we're cruel and want you to sit in your room alone. Keep your mind still for five minutes and listen!
How I Started

What got me hooked? Quite frankly, I read this: (if that link doesn't work for some reason, e-mail me and I can send you what's on that page at the time I'm writing this).

You start by asking yourself questions in your head and waiting for the answer. Start simple: "Am I hungry?". Or, how about something suggested on the link above: "What is love?". Now just wait for the answer. Don't create the answer - just listen for one to emerge. Chances are you won't hear anything, but you might feel something. You have a feeling for what "hungry" means and you intuitively know what "love" is, listen for these feelings and try to translate them into words. This is how I started, so this is the only way I know for someone else to do it. Get in the habit of talking to yourself and asking yourself questions, then learn to shut up and listen for the answer.

After a while you'll notice a difference between thinking and sending information to your subconscious. At first you'll just have to try asking yourself mentally and waiting for an answer, but eventually you'll pick up on the different kinds of thoughts in your head and which ones are messages to your subconscious, which ones are messages from your subconscious, and which ones are just normal thoughts.
How to Hear the Answers

As mentioned above, meditation is pretty useful for building a link with your subconscious. Meditation by itself doesn't create the verbal link most are looking for though. Most people aren't happy with the way the subconscious delivers the messages so they create a mental device to translate the messages into words and sentences. If you combine this mental translator with the ability to listen without butting in, you'll easily be able to speak with your subconscious.

The only way to develop this mental device is to practice, as far as I know. Be in tune with your emotions and work on translating what you feel into words. Work on translating thought concepts as well. Some people think in words, some people think in emotion. Think in both. If you want your subconscious to speak to you in English, you need to give it the information to do so. What does "happy" feel like, and can you translate freely between "happy" and its emotion state? You'll notice while doing this that "happy" and many other words can have a lot of different emotions associated with it. The context of the word is generally what dictates the emotion. Don't just work on single word translations, but try to translate entire sentences into a single emotion. Work on translating a single emotion into sentences and paragraphs as well. You need to be able to rip an emotion apart and analyze every section of it.

The downside of this translation is that you lose some of the meaning. I've had conversations with my subconscious where I couldn't translate the emotion sent to me. It was too complex. I could feel it in a millisecond, but I couldn't put it into words without writing a book. The translator is nice, but don't force every emotion to go through it, because some just can't be understood with the English language. Also, don't blame your subconscious for shitty translation. Your subconscious will send you the emotion, and if you suck at translating and get the wrong message, that's your fault. When I first started talking with my subconscious, it would tell me "wrong" things and I got pissed. Eventually I found out that it was telling me the right things, I just sucked at translating it. Use your translator wisely - don't be dependant on it.
Benefits of the Link

What's so great about talking with your subconscious anyways? First, it has a great memory. My subconscious will speak up sometimes and say stuff like "Don't forget you have to call Kim about your job interview". Oh yeah! I can also program it to remind me of something at a specific time: "Hey, can you remind me I need to feed the dog at five o'clock?", "Sure". I've also programmed it to wake me up at certain times when I was first communicating with it just to fool around. What about psionic applications? Empathy and Telepathy rely heavily on translating images and emotions into words and the ability to think in different states and understand different thought formats. Learning new skills are a lot easier when you can tell your subconscious exactly what you need: "Rainsong was telling me about these things called 'force bubbles'. She says to create a psi ball with a shield around it that exerts force outwards. Let's try that". There are a thousand examples where my subconscious has helped me achieve something faster because I could tell it exactly what I wanted. By far though, the best thing that has resulted from my link is the deal I made with my subconscious.
The Deal

Honestly, one of the most useful things I've done my entire life is made a deal with my subconscious. It's pretty simple: I take care of "him", and "he" takes care of me. I suggest everyone make a similar deal with theirs. I can credit my college GPA to my subconscious' ability to take care of me. I've gone into tests knowing 20% of the material, and come out with a 90% grade. This past semester I got a B in both Biology and Asian Literature courtesy of my subconscious. I should have failed Biology and gotten at most a C in Asian Literature, but somehow I got one point over the grade cutoff in Biology and 0.2 points over the grade cutoff in Asian Lit. What's that mean? Had I missed one more question on any of the tests (in either class), I would have gotten a C. Coincidence? The semester I took Calculus based Physics, I went into the final exam knowing about 20% of the material, and it just so happens that the professor scheduled the final exam on a day that wasn't allowed by the University, so he was forced to make it optional. A professor whose been teaching for over 30 years makes a mistake like that on his own? I don't think so. These are just a few examples of grade-enhancement using the subconscious - I've got about a dozen others.

What else has the deal given me? Perfect timing. I walk to the busiest intersections and never have to wait for cars to clear out. I bump into a girl I've been thinking about on a campus with 30,000 students. I've forgotten to set my alarm for final exams and woken up when I'm supposed to, only to notice then that the alarm isn't set. Not just once either. Things just seem to work out in my favor all the time as well. I find eleven dollars on the ground in the middle of a city. I go get a drink at a bar and the bartender gives it to me for free. Why? "It's on the house". Ok!

That's only half the deal. What do I have to trade for this good fortune? Well, I have to help my subconscious out. I've gotten a lot of strange requests, but I do what I'm told. Nothing bad, and I suggest seeing a psychiatrist if your subconscious starts telling you to do bad things, but just weird. Commands like "walk faster", or "turn left", or "don't eat that, get this instead". Easy enough to perform, just might get you strange looks from someone watching you. "Bring that with you", "What am I going to need that for?", "Just bring it". Things that, as far as I know, have little to no affect, but it keeps my subconscious happy. Who knows, maybe I'm helping someone else who has a deal with their subconscious. I get anywhere from ten to twenty requests a day. My subconscious has even played a roll in this article: "Don't write that - write about this". Ok. After a while you stop asking "why" and just do it. Before you know it you have a successful website, healthy body, and good grades to show the parents.
Any last tips?

Meditate. I know it sucks. I know it's boring. But it does help a lot. You need to learn to shut your mind up - it is essential. The translator doesn't do you any good if you can't hear the messages in the first place.

Also, try manually translating your questions into emotions, and send the emotions to your subconscious. Your subconscious can get the wrong messages from your poor translation, so if you have a serious question that's pretty complex, translate it manually and make sure you have the right emotion before you send it to your subconscious. Don't be afraid to use images and other senses along with your emotions. Don't describe what something looks like, send an image. If you get good, you can start sending animations or three-dimensional areas.

I hope this article has helped those of you that wish to get some more control over your body and mind. The subconscious is like a computer - it will do exactly what you tell it to do. If you program it to alert you of simple things, then you'll get simple things. If you take more control and program it to send you complex data, then you'll get complex data. Don't be a lazy ass - things take time and effort, and this one is well worth it.

A Guide To Dreaming


What this is about
This Article

This is meant as a general lucid dream (LD) walkthrough. Lucid dreaming is being aware you're dreaming while still inside the dream. This article covers general subjects, and doesn't go too in-depth on anything in particular. It covers dream recall, induction techniques, control, and substances commonly referenced in dream enhancement.

* Remembering Dreams
o Dream Recall
o Dream Journals
* Induction Techniques and Things Related to Them
o Relaxation
o Breathing
o Hypnagogia
o Autosuggestion
+ Reality Checks
* Living the Dream
o Stabalizing Dreams
o Dream Possibilities
* Relatively Famous Substances
o Melatonin
o Calea Zacatechichi

Remembering Dreams

The difficult task of remembering that which is easily forgotten
Dream Recall

Dream recall is very important, because if you have an LD but can't remember what it was about, then what's the use? If you can't remember any dreams then that means you have probably looked at dreams as useless and in your head devalued it. To get a better dream recall you can just start thinking about it more. Start a dream journal, and when you first wake up don't move a muscle and try to remember last night's dreams. You can start with a small fragment and reverse through it and find out your dream. If you still have problems remembering then you should start consciously trying to remember your day, you can keep a notebook of your thoughts and events in that day. If you improve your daily memory it will carry over into the night and you will remember dreams with greater detail.

Some people will say things like "I don't dream," and the likes. But everyone does dream, and it is actually in a pretty rigid structure. The night, a normal 7 hour night, is split into five stages of sleep which repeat themselves five times. Stage 1 is drowsiness. This lasts from five to ten minutes and if one is awakened from it, it feels as if no sleep took place. Stage 2 is a period of light sleep with periods of muscle tone and muscle relaxation. The muscle tone can sometimes be attributed to auditory stimuli. Stage 3 and 4 are deep sleep stages. This is when brainwave activity reaches a low point. Stage 4 is generally more intense of a deep sleep than stage 3. Stage 5 is REM sleep, where the majority of dreaming takes place. Stages 1-4 are called non-REM sleep. The sleep cycle usually lasts 90-120 minutes before REM sleep begins. Each stage can take anywhere from five to fifteen minutes to complete, and during a normal stage the order is usually: waking, stage 1, 2, 3, 4, 3, 2, REM. For some reason stage three and two seem to repeat themselves backwards before REM. After all cycles are completed that marks the first stage. This will happen five times a night with each successive REM cycle lasting longer than its previous stage.

When I first started trying to induce LD's I had no dream recall. I started a dream journal, stopped smoking, and starting consciously trying to piece together my dreams. They all have great results if you can stick to a routine everyday and get your mind used to recalling your dreams.
Dream Journals

A dream journal is very simple, it can be a basic notebook where you record your dreams in the morning. Or even a stack of papers, but most seem to prefer their computer. This practice will tell your subconscious that you want to remember your dreams. Thus adding value to your dreams, after doing it long enough you will notice profound memory increases. Most people start them with little or no dream recall and end up remembering all the dreams they have that night. There are no real rules and conditions on this, as long as you are writing them down and remembering more it will be good. For example: I write my dream notes down in a journal by my bed. This happens all through out the night and the next day I will try to remember more from my sparse notes and put it into a dream and onto my main internet journal.
Induction Techniques and Things Related to Them

Techniques used to induce lucid dreams

Relaxation is simple; this is you finding a comfortable position to sleep in. Most people need to have all joints in their body slightly bent to achieve sleep. You can start at your feet and tense them for a short time and then let go. You move up your legs, across your chest and back, up your arms, and finally up the neck onto the head. Then this leads to breathing to get into the right state of mind. I follow this method while I breathe deeply and slowly.

Breathing for getting into a relaxed state for sleeping or going into WILD is easily achieved by letting your chest relax and breathing with your stomach. This is called circular breathing, and it's accomplished by using your abdominal region. It will inflate and when used with your diaphragm can be great for concentration. I usually relax all my muscles and focus on my breathing in this way until I get deeply into trance. My thoughts are cleared out and my breathing is all I focus on. Once I get there, I realize I can relax to another level, which leads me into hypnagogia.

This is an odd phenomenon experienced on the wake/asleep border. It can either be experienced when falling asleep and losing consciousness, or when waking up and regaining it. These are hypnagogic and hypnopompic occurrences, respectively. It is worth noting that hypnagogic experiences are much more common then hypnopompic. These periods are typically described as seeing flashes of vivid imagery, sometimes seemingly real. Sometimes people will also hear sounds, feel touch, and in even rarer cases, smell and taste. These are all hallucinations, and can not hurt you.

This is training the subconscious to believe something. There are various methods, from constantly repeating something to yourself until you believe it, to hypnosis. This subconscious belief can be used for many things in life. It can also be used to induce lucid dreams, and I haven't tried for anything else in Psionics, but it would probably affect most if not all other areas of Psionics as well. I have used this in many forms, from telling myself something as part of MILD to hypnosis and brainwave alteration. I have also tried subliminal messaging. The first few have all given me results - I am still testing the subliminal messaging idea, but as of yet, it hasn't produced anything.

DILD stands for Dream Induced Lucid Dream, which means you are in a dream and realize you are dreaming. This is usually done by conditioning yourself to do reality checks. Ask if you're awake or asleep. This is often the easiest method and will happen as a side effect of any LD training. My first LD was a DILD and was very stable because of when it took place during my REM cycle. Not much can be done besides doing reality checks constantly and always questioning reality. It is also worthy of note that most lucid dreams are DILD's.
Reality Checks

Reality checks are a simple test to see if you are dreaming. They all work on one principle, that dreams are unstable. For them to be effective you should use a few in combinations, because sometimes your dream will stabilize certain aspects to trick you. Here's a short list of reality checks:

* Hold your nose closed or go underwater, if you can still breathe then you are dreaming.
* Try to jump, if anything strange happens you are dreaming.
* Read stuff, if small print changes as you look away or are looking you are probably dreaming.
* If your vision is perfect but you don't have perfect vision, you are probably dreaming.
* Examine your hands; they can usually be pretty obvious. Sometimes changing color and size or growing an extra finger.
* The time, always check the time. Clocks will change at random times, have improper numbers, or simply change as you look at them.
* Try to visualize using powers, in a dream they will often manifest themselves fairly quickly.
* Try a light switch here and there; they usually don't work in dreams. This isn't an absolute however, and they do occasionally work.
* Check your reflection; usually your dream will have trouble keeping that constant.
* If you close one eye, can you see your nose? If not you're probably dreaming.
* Try to remember things like; why you are there, how you got there, what you were doing 1,2,3 or hours ago... etc.
* Try biting your lower lip and really experiencing any minor pains.
* Be creative and just do things you can't do while awake.

Personally, I will do both nose reality checks and just try to remember all my reasons for being somewhere. I do this all through out the day to condition my mind to do it while I'm dreaming. Unless you are using WILD or can easily recognize being in a dream, reality checks will be your main test. Even with WILD I highly suggest reality checks though, only the more experienced or naturally born lucid dreamers can become lucid without them.

WBTB Stands for Wake Back To Bed. In my opinion the easiest method to learn and practice, it is basically getting up a certain amount of time into your sleep cycle, before your longest REM periods. You then think about having a lucid dream and try to awaken your mind while leaving your body sleepy. You then go back to bed. Here is a very good walkthrough on how to do it. In my experience, you don't always need to stay up that long, or take a shower. The entire point of both of those is to wake up your mind and keep your body asleep. If you think your mind is sufficiently awake after 45, 30, 15 or even 10 minutes, then try it out. This is a very relative technique. It's worked for me when all I've done is wake up to an alarm; reset it for a few hours later, then go back to sleep. I didn't even repeat anything to myself, and I got a lucid dream. WBTB is very powerful in my opinion.

MILD stands for Mnemonic Induced Lucid Dream. Created by Stephen LaBerge, it was and still is a very effective method of induction. Peebrain recently posted it as an article, so I won't go in depth with this technique. In short, this method is effectively training your memory to prepare for a lucid dream, and then repeating to yourself that you will have a lucid dream before you fall asleep. I tried a cut down version of this where I simply kept repeating something to myself as I fell asleep. It gave me some results, and is still my best way of getting better dream recall.

WILD stands for Wake Induced Lucid Dream. It is going straight from consciousness to a dream, and is a very efficient method once you have it down. To start you relax and do very relaxed and controlled breathing. You have to stay conscious for long enough to recognize the state of hypnagogia and pass through it. It manifests as a hallucination, and could be tactile, visual, or auditory. To stay conscious many people deploy many different methods. The most common being to count 1 I'm dreaming, 2 I'm dreaming, 3 I'm dreaming... etc. This should be repeated while you remain calm and motionless, remembering to not react to any sensations and just observe. When you get close you really have to focus on the mantra and remember that you are dreaming. Once this is completed and the border is crossed, you will be dreaming.

WILD is a very difficult technique to master, and takes time and dedication. It is a lot easier to perform after a WBTB, but can be practiced every time you are going to sleep. What I have here is only personal reflection and methods that have given results. It will be different for everyone so if you're having difficulty with something here then tweak it and experiment to find out what will work for you. This isn't to say you should skip around with techniques. Test them out, and stick with one you like. The longer you're with a specific technique, the better you get at it and the greater chance you will be lucid more often.

VILD Stands for Visually Incubated Lucid Dream. Everything you could ever want to know about VILD is here. That's in depth walkthrough from its creator. If you don't want to read that large article, I will give you a small version of VILD. First, you incubate a dream. Incubation is thinking about a specific dream situation, imagining all the details as you fall asleep, the idea being that you will dream about the situation. For example, I might think of a small room with a door, and a sign above the door that says "do a reality check!" I would think about every aspect of this, and play out a short little scene of me appearing there, looking at the sign, reality checking, and becoming lucid. I have not practiced this extensively, but from my limited experience, I haven't had much success. Those results are hardly meaningful, however. This is sometimes the best technique for more visual people.
Living the Dream

How to control dreams and the general flow of dreams
Stabalizing Dreams

Stabilizing dreams is what it sounds like, making a dream less frantic and prolonging your lucidity by doing something in the dream. There are many ways to go about this, the better known ways being: Look at your hands. They're always there, right? (hehe) They will probably be messed up in some way, and might begin to melt. This will solidify the fact that you are dreaming, and will keep you concentrating on the dream.

Another popular and effective method is spinning. You start yourself spinning around like a whirlwind, and keep speeding up until everything blurs and then fades to black. Or you can stop earlier, either one will increase your lucidity. But if you wait till everything blacks out, you will most likely change your location in the dream world. Also, when I say spin, you might think: "how can I spin that fast?" All you have to do is think about it. False awakenings are also side effects of this technique, so make sure to reality check after doing it if you wake up.

Yet another way of stabilizing dreams is to say out loud to yourself something pertaining to staying lucid, like "I will stay in this dream!" or "Lucidity x1000!" Stuff like that.

A final, more desperate way of staying in the dream is to grab some dream scenery. Feel everything that makes up this scenery, the texture, the weight, the smell, etc. Focus on it with all of your dream senses. This is basically like playing tug of war with your conscious. It wants to go back to sleep. You want to stay awake (in the dream) the only question is, who can pull harder?
Dream Possibilities

Dreams are crazy things where everything is possible, and all too often everything will happen. Luckily not all at once. Things don't have to make sense or even approach it; in fact, they usually stay far away from it. Here is an example:

You could be walking downtown, when a bus pulls up and demands your liver. You of course, want set the bus on fire, and commence to throw gasoline (that you got from nowhere) onto it. The bus turns into a transformer and you stand in awe for a moment, and then you burn it anyways. But it doesn't really burn, it kind of shape shifts into a fire breathing dragon. Great you say, as you slap shut your faceplate on your armor. "That dragon will be the fifth one today." With that you charge at it on your horse.

That is a random example, but it's not far fetched at all. Stuff just happens, and the dream usually goes with it. Sometimes, however, the dream just kind of "skips" and you end up in a completely new area or situation. For example you're talking at a party then you're swimming in the ocean. There is no blackout period; it just goes seamlessly from one to another. This is much less common in lucid dreams, but "blipping" is all too common in normal dreams. Another thing about blipping, if you look at something, you all too often become part of what's going on. Never try watching TV unless you want to become part of the show.

This brings up dream control. If you expect something to happen, it will. Bottom line: If you honestly think that the dragon mentioned earlier will turn into a goldfish when your lance hits it, it will. If you expect a jet pack to appear in front of you, it will. Some people have trouble with this, and a nice way around it is to simply expect them to be behind you. When you turn around, or go around a corner, or behind something, it will be there. This brings us to a useful way of traveling.

You can go anywhere in the dream world simply by finding a door, and expecting a certain place to be on the other side of it. It doesn't have to make sense. You could go from a city to a desert. If you've seen the movie Matrix Reloaded, it's like that endless hallway of doors. They go everywhere. But in the dream, you only need one. You don't even have to use a door, use a portal, a sewer grate, a mirror. The mirror is especially popular, although it has this nasty habit of putting you in weird places that you didn't exactly want.

One last topic of dream control is special "powers". As far as supernatural abilities go, you can do them all. Anything that has ever been conceived, you can perform it. I have yet to find an exception to this rule. The only problem is getting the ability right. But that stems from personal control, not dream limitations. As far as dream limitations go, there basically aren't any.
Relatively Famous Substances

Substances that commonly receive praise as dream enhancers

Melatonin is a hormone that is secreted by the Pineal gland each night. It does many things in the body, including regulating sleep cycles, which is why it interests us in this article. It is called the "hormone of darkness" because light inhibits its production. It has been said to improve dreaming, and is sold as a sleeping aid in most drugstores. I cannot say from personal experience whether this is true or not, but from what I've heard from people who have taken it, it makes it harder to wake up from the very vivid dreams. I.e., it increases stability. I personally do not think it influences whether you realize you are dreaming or not, but that's my opinion. It should also be noted that most supplements have a huge dose in relation to what the Pineal glad secretes each night. During the night your pineal gland produces anywhere from 5 to 25 micrograms of Melatonin. The supplements usually have 1000 to 3000 micrograms. Also, all of the supplements I've seen recommend you do not take melatonin until you are 18 or older. Some even say 21.
Calea Zacatechichi

This is a very special plant to the native peoples of the world. It is known as the dream herb in Mexico and Central America, where shamans and others of the tribe will use it for entering a dream state to receive prophetic visions. The dried leaves can be boiled in water to produce a tea, and should be used in conjunction with a small joint of the dried leaves. Most people who use a larger amount of one or the other seem to have fewer results. This should be taken right before sleep because of its mild waking effects, but profound dream effects. I am not telling anyone to try it; I'm just giving out the information so you can all make more informed choices. For more information on it, a search at erowid will be helpful. I haven't tried this yet, but I will be growing my own bushes of it soon. Erowid has plenty of write-ups for personal experiences with it. Remember: Be responsible.

How to expand your mind

Once again I speak to you guys about Telekinesis / Psychokinesis. In this manual I'll try to be more specific and explain my method to do TK, as easily understandable as possible.

Some of you might know that I have a TK club in my school and I am proud to say that many of my students progressed a lot since we started to have the meetings. So basically you have very good chances, too. TK can be taught and it can be learned. The only serious difficulty I think is that you mostly don't know anyone who could show you how TK is done. I personally know a girl who could do TK almost instantly after having seen it in action in one of our meetings. Later she had problems like everyone else, too, but that's not the point. The point is that sometimes people can repeat it instantly if they see it. Don't ask me why. I don't know.

As I said, you have very good chances... Ahemm, let me put it this way: You can do it. And you will do it. The effort is the key. The result is proportional to the effort you invest. But before I start to explain my method to "perform" TK, I'd like to express some theories that in one way or another might explain how TK itself works. I might be wrong and you are welcome to prove such.

I personally have never seen any 100% evidence that confirms that there is an invisible substance created by the nerves called "psi". And I doubt that this substance is responsible for telekinesis as well as for telepathy & co. And since we are the people who do the research, I don't think it's good to rely on the legends, or facts, that "The Russians" or "The CIA" might have done some kind of experiments that prove the whole "psi" thing.

But anyway, the "how" or "why" telekinesis works does not affect your practice in any way. I just think that it might help you to understand my method and therefore get a good basis to start with.

NI's Telekinesis Training Manual

Step 1: Prepare yourself

Energy flows where attention goes. Just remember it for now. You don't have enough power if there are other things in your mind.

But how exactly do you calm down, clear your mind and raise your concentration / attention / focus level at the same time? You guessed it: meditation. I suggest the meditation techniques which are more passive and don't require much brain activity. An example is the candle method. You don't even really need a candle, only a point somewhere that is brighter than the environment. For example, a clear coin reflecting the sun's light. You sit down, take few deep breaths and watch it. Don't control your eyes; allow them to lose their focus. The bright point is relaxing for your subconscious. Don't try to think just watch. With some practice you'll just forget about everything around you, and lose yourself. The breathing will become deeper, the mind clear and your whole state calmed.

Another good method is where you concentrate on your deep, slow breathing. This one seems more difficult to me. It's mostly done with closed eyes and the mind starts to wander easily if your eyes are closed.

No matter which meditation method you practice, it'll help you to get the right state of mind and the basics needed for telekinesis. I suggest you meditate 20-30 minutes before you start.

By the way, when you practice telekinesis it's very important not to drain yourself. A drained mind tends to lead to depression & frustration. And if you are frustrated, you have zero chances to move it, believe me.Therefore, it's important that you don't train more than 1 hour in one sitting. I suggest 30-40 minutes. If you are a wild one, you can practice 40 minutes in the morning and another 40 in the evening .

Having established the times when you want to practice, it's time to prepare the instrument you want to practice with. There are many possibilities like keys on strings or needles floating on the water's surface. I recommend you take the most popular one: the psiwheel / paper on pin. But I suggest you to take aluminum foil instead of normal paper. You have to be careful making it, one wrong movement and you have a hole inside of the foil. Take a piece of 1.5-2.0 cm (inches?). This is optimal for the psiwheel and extremely easy to move. The friction between the aluminum surface and the metal pin is less than paper's friction.

Having finished to meditate and having prepared your psiwheel, it's time to start.

Step 2: Become one

As the next step you basically have to realize the first principle and apply it. Remember: there is no separation between you and the psiwheel. It lies inside of your capacity field like your fingers or any other part of your body. What you do is to take few deep breaths and focus on the object.

You tell yourself that the psiwheel is a part of you. Try to find a link between you and the psiwheel. Try to feel what it is like to be the psiwheel (Laughter in the auditorium)... I'm dead serious. Try to see all the little features the psiwheel has. Try to remember how the psiwheel moves and define it as your own movement... Try to hear the sounds it may produce. Try to see it in your head from different viewpoints, without actually moving yourself. Try to sense its surface as you sense the surface of your skin...

It's difficult to explain, but all those things together, when you focus hard enough, give you (after some time) a strong feeling of the object, the psiwheel. Even a feeling of power may overwhelm you. A feeling where you are 100% sure you can influence it. A feeling where you really feel that you are one with it. A feeling that becomes stronger and more solid as you keep practicing.

After some time it'll become relatively easy to "sense" the objects you concentrate on. You'll see a tree and get an instant inner feeling of it. You'll get better at it every time you try it.

There might even come a point where you can feel your whole surroundings, your environment, at the same time. Some time ago I saw a TV report about a group in Germany where a professor of anthropology teaches the people to "see" without using their eyes. His students can actually see in a 360-degree perspective and even read books without opening their eyes.

Now when you get a good, stable, strong feeling of the psiwheel, then you have established something I call energy link between the object and yourself. If the link is weak or relatively unstable it'll be more difficult to make the psiwheel spin later.

Step 3: Move it

Now you have established a good energy link. You can feel the object. You are one with it. At this point, as mentioned earlier, you might notice a strong feeling of power over the psiwheel. It's like if you look at your hand and are sure that the next moment you are going to move it. This might cause even random reactions of your body: you try to move the psiwheel and suddenly your hand moves forward. When these random movements happen, you just have to relax and try to "sense" the object better. They happen only because you are too excited and you have to calm down.

Don't worry about the need to move the psiwheel. It's not exactly like moving your arm where you have to urge yourself. Give yourself the time and make sure your mind is clear. Do not worry, your body knows about your purposes. And you'll move the object as soon as you are ready for it. In some way it's like surfing, you do your best and wait for the wave to catch it.

When the moment comes the psiwheel will start to spin and you'll know you're moving it.

Moving something with your mind (telekinesis) gives you a strange feeling that is hard to define. How is it moved? The catchy phrase "Just do it," explains a lot but also nothing at the same time.

If I analyze the feeling I can only find an analogue in a strong feeling of confidence. Remember the last time you were shooting baskets? The feeling when you knew you weren't going to miss even before you threw the ball? Or take a calculator and press "2" "+" "2". Do you have confidence about the result when you press "="? That might be a cheap analogy, but in some way it's a unique thing I can think of.

You can also say it's like moving your arms, but at the same time it doesn't feel completely like that, since there are no muscles between you and the psiwheel.

My suggestion is: you try it out yourself.

So when you get the feeling of the object, don't urge yourself and keep in mind your objective. Your inner self (subconscious) knows the aim and will try everything possible to move the psiwheel as your attention increases.

The time will come and that little thingy will start to spin.


The mental manipulation of shadow and yes, this is very much an actuality. Since in our reality shadow exists only with some consistency of light, this ability is a brother to lumokinesis. Umbrakinesis is the manipulation of shadow by a means of emittion of a repulsive field and manipulation of obverse polarities causing the repulsion of photons from each other or from the individual. When this repulsion is induced the dispersal of light dims the area to shadow. Umbrakinesis can be linked in correlation to shadow travel, shadow + movement ='s a transference of energy or matter. Shadow travel is linked primarily to shamanic gifts, abilities that of a Shaman. Though this is not a law, many external to any form of shamanic path can acquire this ability. More information on this ability is to come in time.

Areas Of Study

Associated Enhancement Stones:

Black Onyx.

Misconceptions and Myth:

Mistakes for Umbrakinesis are if you or an individual claims to or believes to have Umbrakinesis make sure you are not confusing this ability with several gifts relating to Postcognition. If you see shadows out of the corner of your eye or see apparitions (moving shadows in the forms of people, or "shadow people") then this is a third eye sight known as Postcognition and is not Umbrakinesis. Shadow people are seen by postcognates and mediums when the individual has not yet strengthened their ability to see crisp and clear images.

Associated Miniscule Gifts:

Energy absorbsion, Autokinesis, Empathy, Precognition, postcognition, retrocognition, Mediumship (speaking with the dead or guides/angels ) healing others.

Different forms of Umbrakinetic's: The best bet is to assume which form you qualify as and stick to those related exercises.

* Externally Long Distance: Umbrakinetic's in which can work at a distance in shadow or gravitational manipulation, meaning they can be far from the object or shadow in which they are attempting to influence.
* Externally Short Distance: Umbrakinetic's in which can only work at close distances in shadow or gravitational manipulation such as actual physical touch or being within two to five feet.

Symptoms and Side Effects

They are of deep and lasting depression, individuals who need rest, peace and healing. They are loners, hermits, and are not socially orientated at least not with personal matters. They are well knowledgeable on shields or cloaks of energy, and have lives of severe trauma and emotional distress and who have closed themselves off completely from emotional and energetic interaction with the world. When these people do open or break that shell it is usually by allowing love and compassion to get in and causes them to recognize their own ability to love. You may be amazed at the Beauty of the revealed Spirit. They can ground themselves, but are inexpert in the area. They have the ability to distill matters and solve problems; they have creative process, and intuitive learning. They reveal hidden potential solidifying and manifesting. These kinetic's are of the hidden, power, mental sophistication, formality, elegance, wealth, mystery, fear, subconscious, hidden emotions, withdrawal, ancestry , profundity, intoxicating danger, great difficulty , dignity, aloofness, solitude, anonymity, sturdiness and reliability, unhappiness, depth, style, sadness, remorse, anger, precision, definition, underground, mourning, death, dormant state of energy about to begin activity. They are of hidden power and the strength of the inner self. Umbrakinetic's tend to be controversial. On one hand, they relate with authority and power; on the other hand, despair and mourning. They are of constancy, prudence and wisdom. Priestly, invisible, transient, denoting blockages, hidden issues, illness, decay and radioactivity.

Symptoms and Side Effects:

* Disappearance in Moments of Fear: Umbrakinetics mention several times in their past instances of a dispirit need to hide and unintentionally slipping into a shadow to not only never have been found by those who where seeking them, but to have a displacement in time. They describe the displacement as though while missing no time had passed when later discovered the umbrakinetic was missing for up to two hours. Overwhelming emotional responses such as fear tend to bring out uncontrolled kinetic abilities.


Those with umbrakinetic abilities that can not control them are operating or performing them subconsciously. To gain the control to perform on command or consciously one needs to analyze events. Look at the events in which you preformed the ability and attempt to find patterns. Once patterns are found you can appropriately recreate a scenario to trigger an event thus allowing you to choose when to use the ability. Uncontrolled gifts can be very DANGEROUS to yourself and others if not properly balanced and controlled. Some kinetic abilities can cause severe chronic illnesses and even become fatal if not properly controlled. Control comes from analization, understanding and exercising your gift.

Exercises and Techniques

* [ BEGINNER ] Generalized Dimming: Beginning techniques for umbrakinesis is a matter of realizing your surroundings and if you are in the right conditions to engage your ability. If you can not at this point create a dimming effect or cast a shadow you might want to look around you as to why. For beginners make sure the area in which you are practicing is already partially dim and try to only cast a shadow around yourself. If you are in a well lit area or near a strong light source this will not work for you. Since a light source is required make sure it is no closer to you then approximately three feet and that it is not too bright. The more photons in the room the more you have to repel to cast a shadow the more difficult your exercise becomes. If this works for you then the next step is to attempt to cast a shadow away from you instead of around you.
* [ INTERMEDIATE ] Precision Shadow Casting: Advanced techniques for umbrakinesis would involve after accomplishing the creation of a shadow to now form the shadow to your liking. To begin, the simplest form to give a shadow is a circle. This technique requires preciseness in the repulsion of the photons in the end creating a circular shadow. Continue by increasing the precision of the shadow by complicating its design or form.

Umbrakinetic Questions and Answers

* Is Electrokinesis a fundamental inclusion in all Psychokinetic abilities? Yes. Electricity and electrostatic Fields (or Electrons) are dominant in the application of all psychokinetic abilities, but there is an acceptation. Gravitons, the particles in which make up gravity, are smaller then electrons by far, therefore they can not be affected by electricity, electromagnetism, or electrostatic fields. The answer here lies in the Unified Field Theory and little sub-particles called Semions;
* I can't use my abilities very well after exercises, why is this? All psychokinetic's go through a period of time after performance in which their abilities are weakened or unusable. Just like how a track runner finishes a big race he could hardly be expected to race again at least not at his full potential. The best way to recharge yourself is to get some rest and have something to eat. Some kinetics such as electrokinetic's ask if they should recharge through electronics or batteries, the answer is no. For one this can end up destroying your electronics and for another it is best to remain absorbing generalized energy from all around you. The goal for your ability is to become less dependant on sole energy sources and develop the ability to drain from all around you. Draining from one place to often can cause serious complicates and move you backwards. If you get burnt out to quickly during exercises it is your own body and life style you should be looking at not external sources. If you sleep well, eat healthy and avoid putting toxins in your body such as alcohol, drugs, caffeine or the toxins found in cigarettes then this will greatly improve the strength of your ability. Just like a machine your body needs to be in it's best working order and be taken care of to function properly.



ELectrokinesis is the mental manipulation of electrons. This ability causes the kinetic to act as a human conductor able to store, emit, and receive a large to small quanta of electricity. There is also the act of draining electricity from electronically based devices and also recharging them. By personal experience with kinetics with this certain gift, they are able to actually blow, melt (circuits), freeze and shut off electronics either via intense meditation or overwhelming emotional response.

Areas Of Study:

To comprehend this kinetic ability from more of a scientific point of view one should read up on Electricity, Electromagnetism, Electrostatics and Conductors.

Associated Enhancement Stones and Metals:

Electrokinesis - Amber, Iron, Steel, Nickel.

Misconceptions and Myth

Mistakes for Electrokinesis can be static-electricity shocks produced by friction between say the human body and fur or you and your car. This is nothing more then a general transference of electrons and is normal. Mental manipulation of electrical currents used in productive measures such as charging anywhere from a cell phone battery to a car battery can be mistook for Autokinesis. In this case it is generalized energy you are absorbing and later pushed into the battery not exclusively electricity maybe only 20%. Draining the batteries could be mistaken in the same way. One tends to perform autokinesis consciously far before they can perform Electrokinesis consciously. While autokinesis is the general absorption or energies it tends to be at a constant, meaning you may do it all of the time, and you pull in and push out any forms of energy. Whereas with Electrokinesis at a subconscious level of performance, or uncontrollable, absorption tends to mostly happen during times of major fatigue and when an individual has had nothing to eat in a good amount of time. During a time of fatigue in more then usual accounts one drains bioelectrically, people or animals ect. During a time of hunger one tends to drain more so electrical devices such as car and bus to cell phone batteries. Also to charge a battery you require a subconscious performance but some level of conscious need. Keep in mind this would not be a conscious act in wanting your phone not to die , but just a need for you phone not to die. While Electrokinesis is still on a subconscious level overwhelming emotional response can trigger electrical currents that can cause significant destruction to circuitries, fry electronics. This also goes for any form of extravagant stress levels such as hunger or severe fatigue as mentioned above.

Associated Miniscule Gifts

Self-Energy Healing & General Healing (body & mind), Precognition, Telepathic and Empathic Broadcasting, Telepathic, Psipathy, Biofeedback, and Empathic Suggestion, Telepathy and Empathy, Clairsentience, Clairaudience, Clairgustance, Clairvoyance, Diviner, Retrocognition.

*Different forms of Electrokinetic's: The best bet is to assume which form you qualify as and stick to those related exercises.
# Externally Long Distance: Electrokinetic's in which use a form of electrical surges or "solar flares" in which are high temperature balls of electricity and can extend in distance up to twenty feet. These surges are emitted out of the core or mind of the body and detach themselves from the body and continue on until it hits something.

Externally Short Distance: Electrokinetic's in which use electrical currents to manipulate. In this case the currents do no exceed four to five inches and in most cases they require direct physical contact with the object they are attempting to manipulate.

Internally: Electrokinetic's in which can only influence their own electrical charges in their body, not others or at all externally.

Symptoms and Side Effects

* Blowing out Light Bulbs: One symptom of this ability is "blowing out light bulbs." This is not caused by "blowing up" the glass, but rather by you emitting and electrical surge or built up energy sent out as various electrical currents moving in various directions. The current is pulled to the metallic part of the bulb and from there causes a surge strong enough to either short out the bulb and render it unusable or implode the glass.
* Heat, Popping, Sparks & Tingling: If an electrokinetic puts their hands together they tend to heat up and can increase to a burning point, but if one puts their fingers together this can cause a popping sound or visible blue electrical current along with the tingling. This popping effect is do to an electrical surge in result of a gift not yet controlled. Since the fingers are such narrow channels they can not sustain two large currents at once. When the gift is controllable this will not happen unless you purposely override your better judgment. Surges whether purposely orchestrated or not can cause unhealthy disruptions in the body and to anything electrical or bioelectrical near by. If via touch or within the vicinity of a bioelectrical being (animals, people) you notice a pattern of ill-side effects such as headaches, migraines, weakness or sickness being either complained by the individual or noticeable in the case of an animal then your gift is dangerously out of control. These side effects are caused by overly strong electrical currents in which are causing damage to the nervous system. If this reflects you then I suggest not touching anything for more the a few seconds, until you can gain control of your ability. Control can be gained via exercises and dedication. With enough nervous system damage one can be hospitalized, especially those who are already ill.

Sparking Electrical Currents

# If you experience an electrical current (Beginner: a white current no larger then two inches, Advanced: a blue or white current no larger then 3 to 4 inches.) intentionally then it should be looked upon positively though you should experience sensations from tingling to a sharp shock. This can be overcome when you become overly advanced and well grounded physically without grounding the currents themselves. If it was not intentional and was accidental then your gift is still out of control and such spurts of electrical currents can be harmful to both people/animals/plants and electronics. Be sure once again that this current is not due to static electrical buildup. If you are practicing with a metallic object on the carpet at home and move it around on the carpet even a little this will undoubtedly build up an electrostatic charge and could been seen as Electrokinesis, but it is not for it is just a commonality.
# Lacking in Equilibrium: If your input electrical currents are at a higher or lower (not equal) percentage then your output electrical currents this lack of equilibrium may lead you to experience hot and cold flashes all over the body rarely or quite frequently. You will notice yourself as well one day to be quite hot whereas another you will find yourself quite cold in temperature. Correction can be found in equalizing the input and output electrical currents you are naturally and purposely inducing. If you are having troubles in the storage of electricity you may notice fluctuations of temperatures in limbs. For example your hands or feet may become quite cold if your body is warmed and vice versa. Keep in mind this last aspect can simply be a result of poor blood circulation.


Those with electrokinetic abilities that can not control them are operating or performing them subconsciously. To gain the control to perform on command or consciously one needs to analyze events. Look at the events in which you preformed the ability and attempt to find patterns. Once patterns are found you can appropriately recreate a scenario to trigger an event thus allowing you to choose when to use the ability. Uncontrolled gifts can be very DANGEROUS to you and others if not properly balanced and controlled. Some kinetic abilities can cause severe chronic illnesses and even become fatal if not properly controlled. Control comes from analization, understanding and exercising your gift.

Exercises and Techniques for Electrokinesis

When Electrokinesis is consciously preformed enhancement comes from increasing the difficulty in exercises. Though when it is still subconsciously preformed your best plan of action is analization. Every time one performs a form of psychokinesis they require certain variables or a pattern to do so. Analyze all aspects of each event in which you are sure you preformed Electrokinesis. Seek out the patterns, once you do you can try to simulate the event later and try to create the proper conditions to perform Electrokinesis willingly and consciously. In the absorption of energy one tends to feel a burning sensation in the hands. This could be a minor heat sensation or a major heat buildup in which your hands could even burn others. Whereas for Electrokinesis one might feel less of a burning feeling and more of a sharp but mildly warm sensation. This is only if you are using your hands to emit electrical currents, some use limbs and poles such as the head, feet, or hands; keep in mind some pull through pores in the skin, this mainly goes for general energy absorption or autokinesis. In both cases the more severe the pain or burning the more buildup you are creating. This should be a natural easy flow of energy and if you are experiencing pain you need to work on exercises to allow the correct conduction and flow.

[ BEGINNER ] Electrical Transference 'Give and Take'

Exercises done alone are not as efficient as when you work with another. When you work in energy or electrical transference with another it creates a situation where both of you can learn and moderate if it is working. Mainly for this exercise all you need to do is attempt to consciously push your already natural electrical or energy currents through your hands into the hands of your partner.
Also attempt to pull electricity out as well and you and your partner should be able to feel the transference in both cases. While using this exercise attempt to monitor where energy or electricity is going, you must become at least semi-consciously aware of where you put your energy, how much your take in and how much you release. It is our awareness and how much we know about our own abilities that allows us to control them.

# [ BEGINNER and INTERMEDIATE ] Battery Charging: If you can not find a partner it is best to try working on something more like a remote control for the television in which the batteries are surely dead, try to charge them enough to use the remote for a few seconds or minutes.

[ BEGINNER ] The Psi Wheel

One of the simplest techniques for beginning Electrokinetic's is the movement of the Psi Wheel. In this technique create a psi wheel out of white paper, metal needle, base and position it on a flat and stable surface. In this exercise you will be using your own electrostatic charge to influence and move the psi wheel. Do to the thermal reaction of the hands surrounding the psi wheel certain measures must be taken. First, try to work in a warm room not cold for if the temperature in your hands is much greater then in the room this will automatically send the pw into rotation once you cup your hands around it. Secondly, do not wet your hands for this can interfere with your electrical charges in which you are using to influence the pw in both Telekinesis and Electrokinesis. Thirdly, find a plastic cover such as a piece of Tupperware and place it over the pw. Make sure the pw has plenty of room to move top and sides. If you can not move it still try to change the plastic for a common household clear drinking glass. Even in these conditions, if you are not a kinetic that requires being within one foot of the object you are attempting to influence, you do not necessarily have to cup your hands around the pw, in fact it is best if you do not. Stand away from the pw at approximately three feet and attempt to spin the pw by influencing the direction of your mind and body frequency emittions and concentrate on the emittion of the electrostatic charge. Your hands may begin to warm and as they do you should notice gradual movement in time. Make sure there are no means of a breeze near your psi wheel such as a window open or a fan nearby etc. for this can cause the falsified appearance of movement.

Electrokinetic Questions and Answers

# Is Electrokinesis a fundamental inclusion in all Psychokinetic abilities? Yes. Electricity and electrostatic Fields (or Electrons) are dominant in the application of all psychokinetic abilities, but there is an acceptation. Gravitons, the particles in which make up gravity, are smaller then electrons by far, therefore they can not be affected by electricity, electromagnetism, or electrostatic fields. The answer here lies in the Unified Field Theory and little sub-particles called Semions;
# Is it possible to produce thunder and lightening with Electrokinetic capabilities? One would be able to create lightening far before thunder and it wouldn't be as grandiose as you may think. This outcome would be more plausible by an Atmoskinetic or Atmokinetic (weather-atmospheric) then just an Electrokinetic, and the Atmoskinetic or Atmokinetic even quite advanced would only be able to pull off lightening in a time of fierce rage and it would only be subconsciously not on command. Electrokinesis is fundamental in most kinetic abilities since most objects do have electrical currents and electrons, but it is the detailed kinetic abilities along side this one that enhances abilities to greater proportions. Keep in mind lightening bolt temperatures are hotter than the surface of the sun and are generated in electrically charged storm systems. The method of cloud charging still remains elusive, but lightening requires more then just an electrical current. Thunder is the sound of the shockwave caused when lightning instantly heats the air around it to up to 30 000 °C (54 000 °F). That super-heated air expands rapidly, then contracts as it cools. The rapid expansion/contraction generates sound waves, making the sound that is called "thunder." The only way for any kinetic to create thunder and lightening is to either create such an immense heat source or be able to create a storm (atmokinetic/atmoskinetic) in which can produce such extremities on it own. The electricity passing through the atmosphere rapidly heats and expands the air, thus producing lightning's characteristic thunder sound. Atmospheric manipulation would be the only way in which this could be possible by my means of knowing.

Electrokinetic Questions and Answers #2

# Can I shoot electrical bolts eventually with enough practice? No, the most even the most talented and ungrounded electrokinetic can emit is a blue to white current no larger the 4 inches. Distance is not the majority of this ability it is touch and contact electrical shock and charging. These emittions of currents even in transference will cause tingling, shock, burning or pain. The only way to reduce this is to ground yourself with out grounding the current. Good luck.
# I can't use my abilities very well after exercises, why is this? All psychokinetic's go through a period of time after performance in which their abilities are weakened or unusable. Just like how a track runner finishes a big race he could hardly be expected to race again at least not at his full potential. The best way to recharge yourself is to get some rest and have something to eat. Some kinetics such as electrokinetic's ask if they should recharge through electronics or batteries, the answer is no. For one this can end up destroying your electronics and for another it is best to remain absorbing generalized energy from all around you. The goal for your ability is to become less dependant on sole energy sources and develop the ability to drain from all around you. Draining from one place to often can cause serious complicates and move you backwards. If you get burnt out to quickly during exercises it is your own body and life style you should be looking at not external sources. If you sleep well, eat healthy and avoid putting toxins in your body such as alcohol, drugs, caffeine or the toxins found in cigarettes then this will greatly improve the strength of your ability. Just like a machine your body needs to be in it's best working order and be taken care of to function properly.


The mental manipulation of liquids via force. It is the manipulation of liquids such as water, oil, and alcohol. Hydrokinetics' are able to influence the motion of water not create it. If you are looking for the creating of water you may want to look at Cryokinesis. Static electricity is generated via the agitation of flammable liquids such as gasoline. The rate of generation is influenced by the conductive of the liquids or the amount of turbulence in the liquid. Liquids with lower conductivities tend to accumulate more static charges and would be easier to move. Strictly speaking there is no such thing as a "non-conductor". If the voltage is high enough electrons will bridge the gap, even a vacuum. Since water is less conductive then flammable liquids you will almost entirely dependant on your Electrokinetic ability in which all Psychokinetic's posses. It is the electrostatic field produced by your own mind and body that agitate the water and redirect it movements.

Areas Of Study:
To comprehend this kinetic ability from more of a scientific point of view one should read up on Hydrokinesis (physics), Hydrology, Hydrokinematics, Hydrostatics, and Hydrodynamics, Hydromagnetics, Electrostatics, Magnetohydrodynamics.

Associated Enhancement Stones:

Misconceptions and Myth:
Mistakes for Hydrokinesis can be the manipulation of rain. To bring about rain storms is Atmokinetic or Atmoskinetic not Hydrokinesis. Another misconception is Cryokinesis for Cryokinetic's can turn gases to liquids and liquids to solids. A hydrokinetic can not create water only influence its direction.

Different forms of Hydrokinetic's: The best bet is to assume which form you qualify as and stick to those related exercises.

Externally Long Distance: Hyrokinetic's in which can work at a distance in the manipulation of liquids, meaning they can be far from the liquid in which they are attempting to influence.

Externally Short Distance: Hyrokinetic's in which can only work at close distances to the manipulation of liquids such as actual physical touch, submersel or being within two to five feet when attempting to influence the liquid.

Internally: Hyrokinetic's in which can only influence liquids internally to their own bodies.

Hydrokinetic Personality Traits and Interests

Water is a calming force for a hydrokinetic and it's aspects of obscurity intrigue them. Thus character traits of a hydrokinetic are those of intrigue concerning bodies of water, activities such as swimming, and interests in psychology or emotions, and philosophy or abstract concepts. The hydrokinetic does not fear water, instead they purely thrive on it and it should have been of interest through many years. The hydrokinetic tends to be a great empath and good at manipulating emotional channels and currents. The mentality of a hydrokinetic tends to be of applied knowledge and wisdom, understanding of the mind and its responses. This mental control is helpful in the precision of hydrokinetics. They can be individuals in nurturing and or protective careers such as herbalists, doctors even police. They are people who are concerned for the welfare of others. Because they are so engulfed in other people and other emotions they have trouble finding there own identity and means to find a place in the world they fit in. They are very creative, artistic and attempt to be and appear individualistic. They thrive on compaction and shower there friends with attention. Careful these sensitive types are prone to addiction in every aspect and type. Hydrokinetics are great communicators in the right setting. They are usually pure of mind, spirituality and philosophically orientated, and some Hydrokinetics tend to speak far more then listen, while other Hydrokinetics tend to listen far more then they speak. They are of serenity, peace, tranquility, honesty, harmony, deep feeling, love, and affection. Solitude varies in Hydrokinetics as does sadness, depression, wisdom, trust, loyalty , stability if desired, unity, confidence, conservatism, security, cleanliness in variation, and order. They have a sobering effect on the mind and encourage contemplation and promote group unity. They are neutral and support female and male energies equally. Hydrokinetic's have something for almost everyone, from warmth to intense passionate and deep mysteries. They can aide in achieving freedom, communication, patience, honor, friendships, dreams, sleep, and creative inspiration. They are both artists and muses. They tend to make very good and natural healers in the way of mental stress and metal disorders, but they do tend to be cursed themselves with what they can aide others in.

They make excellent counselors and psychologists for water is very closely related to the emotional pathways internal and external to the brain. They calm the mind and nerves, heal nervous system disorders and insomnia. . They are excellent in emotional healing of stress and anxiety in moderation as too much can increase depression and apathy in those so inclined. They help reduce and manage "hot" emotions like anger, impatience, greed or jealousy. They can help with self control and in chaotic situations. Their presence however can increase depression, tiredness and sorrow.


Those with hydrokinetic abilities that can not control them are operating or performing them subconsciously. To gain the control to perform on command or consciously one needs to analyze events. Look at the events in which you preformed the ability and attempt to find patterns. Once patterns are found you can appropriately recreate a scenario to trigger an event thus allowing you to choose when to use the ability. Uncontrolled gifts can be very DANGEROUS to yourself and others if not properly balanced and controlled. Some kinetic abilities can cause severe chronic illnesses and even become fatal if not properly controlled. Control comes from analization, understanding and exercising your gift.

Exercises and Techniques

To manipulate water mentally you must first have a source of water such as a glass of water or a body of water. A direct mental channel is required to perform any form of psychokinesis and hydrokinesis is a prime example of why. If you find it difficult to manipulate liquids in a exercise involving a small water source, such as a glass of water, before you then I suggest you try submersing yourself into a body of water. When one submerses themselves in water they become bonded and close to it and thus makes it simpler to communicate and control it. To feel the water around you is to be one step closer to becoming the water and animating it. Exercises amassing water around you is entirely averse to pushing it away. Push and pull exercises will bring a beginner the largest results. Exercises requiring more then animation such as molding a liquid form requires far more expertise. Some hydrokinetics accumulate humidity naturally, you can tell if this applies to you by a lack of dry skin or even perhaps odd smells. It is a calm mindset that allows the mind to animate liquids, just as the water is still so must your mind. Overwhelming emotional responses such as anger, frustration or any form of heightened stress can cause a hydrokinetic event to arise just as an absolute need or fear can.

[BEGINNER]Non-Submersible-Cork and Glass: If you work well with water just in front of you and do not require yourself to be submersed in water then I suggest the following exercise. Obtain a glass of water and a floating object such as a cork. Place the cork in the half full glass of water and attempt not to move the cork but the water surrounding it. The cork is merely a device there to indicate the movement of the water. If this works for you then make the exercise more difficult in time by filling a large bowl full of water and eventually increasing the amount of water over time using new containers, even you tub.
[BEGINNER] Submersible-'The Good Old Tub': If you require being submersed in water I suggest you use your tub for the exercises. Simply fill your tub, and attempt to feel the water around you and try to create a disturbance of small waves with your body just to understand how it should feel. Then allow the waves to settle and wait until the water is completely still. Continue by lying perfectly still and try to crate waves via your mind only, do not close you eyes. Try to focus on how the waves felt before, then relax your mind, make it still and try your best.


The mental manipulation and movement of minerals. Geokinetics use electromagnetism and electrostatics to manipulate minerals. Alteration in mineral compositions. Microseismic (small earthquakes) disruptions via the initiation of deformations in the earth surface called faults and then initializing movement of that fault. They can manipulate lumps, masses, grains (such as sand), or is disintegrated rocks (found in soils). Such minerals can include: aluminum, magnesium, iron, quartz, garnets, sulfates, salts, hematite, magnetite, rutile, phosphorus, gold, silver, copper, and ice high in minerals. The Geokinetic is a natural Alchemist.

Areas Of Study:
To comprehend this kinetic ability from more of a scientific point of view one should read up on Mineralogy, Electromagnetisim, Electricity, Electrostatics, and Geology.

Associated Enhancement Stones:

Misconceptions and Myth:
Mistakes for Geokinesis are that it is relative to Biokinesis or is though to be Biokinesis, this is not so accurate. Geokinesis is the manipulation of minerals while Biokinesis is the manipulation of biological matter. The reason for this is due to the fact the body is indeed partially composed of minerals. If a geokinetic has he ability to heal it would be through the manipulation of the body's mineral composites only.

Different forms of Geokinetic's: The best bet is to assume which form you qualify as and stick to those related exercises.

*Externally Long Distance: Geokinetic's in which can work at a distance in mineral movement and manipulation, meaning they can be far from the mineral in which they are attempting to influence.

*Externally Short Distance: Geokinetic's in which can only work at close distances to the mineral in which they are attempting to influence such as actual physical touch or being within two to five feet.

*Internally: Geokinetic's in which can only manipulate mineral composites internally to themselves.

Symptoms and Side Effects

* Change in Mineral Compositions: This would only be noticeable of course if you have minerals in which you are observant of. Manipulation can change color, opacity, transparency etc. The only way to be sure of your modifications would be either and expertise in Geology or the consultation of a Geologist to document change. Keep in mind though some other kinetic abilities can cause rapid and progressive composition modifications.
* Microsisemic Disruptions: Tiny earthquakes in times of extreme stress or overwhelming emotions can be one sign that you are a Geokinetic. Though, make sure the tremors are coming from the ground, the earth, the rock and minerals below you. If the tremors are coming from other sources you may want to look at other kinetic abilities for this gift only works with minerals. Due to this it is hard to distinguish the difference between Telekinesis and Geokinesis since they work quite similarly. As far as seen the difference between Telekinesis and Geokinesis is that Geokinesis does not manipulate gravity as the other does.
* Blowing out Light Bulbs via Touch: One symptom of this ability is "blowing out light bulbs." This is not caused by "blowing up" the glass, but rather by you emitting and electrical surge or built up energy sent out as various electrical currents moving in various directions when you touch it. The current is pulled to either the metallic part of the bulb or the glass and from there causes a surge strong enough to either short out the bulb and render it unusable or implode the glass.


Those with geokinetic abilities that can not control them are operating or performing them subconsciously. To gain the control to perform on command or consciously one needs to analyze events. Look at the events in which you preformed the ability and attempt to find patterns. Once patterns are found you can appropriately recreate a scenario to trigger an event thus allowing you to choose when to use the ability. Uncontrolled gifts can be very DANGEROUS to yourself and others if not properly balanced and controlled. Some kinetic abilities can cause severe chronic illnesses and even become fatal if not properly controlled. Control comes from analization, understanding and exercising your gift.

Exercises and Techniques

*[BEGINNER] Mineral Compositional Modification: Find a local store whether online o\r local in which is owned or run by a geologist. Many rock, mineral or stone stores have a geologist on staff. Pick a mineral composite of your liking and ask the geologist to take a look at that mineral specifically and describe the mineral to you just incase there may be some abnormalities in that piece. Take it home and focus over the next few days with the mineral visible and attempt to alter its color, opacity, transparency etc. If you start to notice changes take it back to the geologist for confirmation. If the geologist is not plausible for you then your best bet is to thoroughly analyze the stone and document all of its characteristic and check it again week to week.
*[BEGINNER] Quartz Crystal Pendulum: In this exercise you will want to acquire a quartz crystal pendulum and suspend it from a simple thread. In the mental manipulation of minerals this crystal pendulum should be quite easy for even a beginning Geokinetic to move.


Biokinesis is the mental manipulation of organic and biological matter people, animals, plantation, bacteria etc. Biological and chemical, genetic alteration and enhancement manipulation from pigmentation to cell division. Also potentials would be optical enhancement, manipulation of pain threshold, and sectional enhancement in eyes, muscles, reflexes, nervous systems, epidermic sections, and vulnerable spots on the body (pressure points). On advanced levels there can be an accomplished alteration of DNA and chromosomes. Through this ability one can change the way in which there bodies, and other bodies look and behave.

Areas Of Study:
To comprehend biokinesis from more of a scientific point of view one should read up on Botany, Biology, Microbiology, Anatomy, Physiology, Biophysics and Neurology.

Associated Enhancement Stones:
Biokinesis - Emerald.

Misconceptions and Myth:
Mistakes for Biokinesis are most frequently Geokinesis. The two are very separate in that they require much different techniques and frequencies to be preformed and controlled. Geokinesis is just the ground (earth) sands and rock, but Biokinesis works with all things living.

Different forms of Biokinetic's: The best bet is to assume which form you qualify as and stick to those related exercises.
* Externally Long Distance: Biokinetic's in which can work at a distance in healing and disruptions in the health of plants, animals, and people, meaning they can be far from the biological being in which they are attempting to manipulate. * Externally Short Distance: Biokinetic's in which can only work at close distances to plants, animals, and people in which they are attempting to manipulate such as actual physical touch or being within two to five feet.
*Internally: Biokinetic's in which can only manipulate thier own organic and biological matter and not others.

Biokinetic Personality Traits and Interests

These beautiful creatures are emotional based thus the empowering gifts of empathy and sympathy. Children of nature and all it implies. They are peace, calm, and destruction. They are negative and positive, ones of life and death all in the same harmonic endless circle of life. They are remarkable Healers and some are usually fluent in at least one form of spiritual healing methods. Are emotionally driven in their everyday lives, if they didn't form their lives this way they would become dark and cold entirely. They are stubborn, obstinate and unchanging in any of there ways. They despise change and at time utterly fear it. If they feel they are in the right, there is no middle ground. You won't see Biokinetics in serious relationships or any relationships for they come to them very rarely. Most of their relationships end brutally and explosively, of course most things in their lives do with their lasting explosive tempers. In most respects, these kinetics are hard to get a rise out of, but if provoked to the right frequency and angle they can be very destructive. Not all Biokinetics are destroyers some just trade in the destruction for the stubbornness and resistance to change. At any cost this happens and at this point they have extremely little degrees of respect for others and objects.

With their remarkably strong empathic gifts they can persuade via emotions, even decide for another what they feel in certain predicaments. Biokinetics are the prime fertile kinetics mentally, physically and spiritually. They have a strong electrokinectic relationship and this is how they rejuvenate and destroy. They have many symbolic meanings, nature, fertility and growth being some of the most universal. They signify youth, life, renewal, hope and vigor, wealth, prosperity, accomplishments, and sometimes Inexperience and Independence. They make the finest of healers in many forms. Biokinetic's do not always seem to be the perfect candidate for an environmental position and if they are not aware of their abilities they might even have a poor green thumb. While the typical biokinetic enjoys socialization they tend to rarely be put on a social pedestal. Some have great difficulty relating and understanding society as a whole. These sociologically declined individuals also tend to have a significant streak of stubbornness and selfishness. While some may not enjoy the great outdoors as much as the next they do tend to find themselves in camping or traveling situations. They like to keep moving and see new things and places "they go where ever the road may take them." If a biokinetic is greatly unbalanced there can be many ways to tell. If a biokinetic has a plant in the home that was healthy one day and dead the next this can be a recurring sign. When they are unbalanced so are their emotions and they can tend to be very irrational at these times. Those with biokinetic abilities that can not control them are operating or performing them subconsciously. To gain the control to perform on command or consciously one needs to analyze events. Look at the events in which you preformed the ability and attempt to find patterns. Once patterns are found you can appropriately recreate a scenario to trigger an event thus allowing you to choose when to use the ability.

Symptoms and Side Effects For Biokinesis

Heightened Immune System: Due to the biological engineering possessed by Biokinetic's they are very rarely sick or brutally injured. It's a health invincibility that is only rarely penetrated by viruses or broken bones.


Those with biokinetic abilities that can not control them are operating or performing them subconsciously. To gain the control to perform on command or consciously one needs to analyze events. Look at the events in which you preformed the ability and attempt to find patterns. Once patterns are found you can appropriately recreate a scenario to trigger an event thus allowing you to choose when to use the ability. Uncontrolled gifts can be very DANGEROUS to yourself and others if not properly balanced and controlled. Some kinetic abilities can cause severe chronic illnesses and even become fatal if not properly controlled. Control comes from analization, understanding and exercising your gift.

Exercises and Techniques For Biokinesis

For the beginning Biokinetic one should only recognize such instances as sudden declination or rehabilitation of health in regards to plants, flowers and fertilization of damaged soil. On a related ability biokinetics can tend to be very good energy healers and Reiki healers. They work with the earth's energies to heal plantation and can aide in the healing of animals and humans as well if properly trained. For a beginning healing is in the milder states from scratches and bruising to mild headaches. As an advanced biokinetic you may experience rapid growth of plantation, and improbable plant hybridization. In healing they can work with more severe illnesses and irritations.

* [BEGINNER] Plantation Rejuvenation: For a beginning technique I suggest working with plantation before people and animals. For the first exercise you will want to search for a sick or dying plant of a small size approximately no taller then 1ft. Position you and the ill plant in a room not abundant in sunlight, but with a medium amount. Focus on the plant and the small amount of health remaining within the plant. Your goal is to either push out the disease so only the health of the plant and the remaining damage caused by the disease remains. If your exercise was successful you should notice a significant growth and health within a 24 hour period.
* [ADVANCED} Bioelectrical Stimulation of Cells to Produce Health: From minor headaches to sore joints find those who need a little healing what ever may ale them. Keep it to simple healings so as to not irritate something more chronic and severe. To begin, place your hands two inches away from the irritated area and focus on the sensations you may feel. If the area is inflamed with pain you may feel a sense of heat for instance. Concentrate on the currents emitting from your hands and ask the person in which you are working on if the pain increases. If the pain does increase you may be emitting to strong of an electrical current. Try to reduce the intensity, if the pain persists stop for the time being and keep practicing on plants. Animals should be the last to practice on for they can not mention discomfort only pain of higher levels.


Cryokinesis is the mental manipulation of force due to decrease temperatures. It is the deceleration of molecules that produces this cooling transition. Cryokinetic's can cool the air or gases such as oxygen, hydrogen, nitrogen and helium. Once cooled gases can become liquefied and later solidified. For instance, nitrogen gas, when cooled, condenses at -195.8 Celsius (77.36 Kelvin) and freezes at -209.86 Celsius (63.17 Kelvin.) The ice phase transition occurs when liquid water is cooled below 0 °C or 32 °F at standard atmospheric pressure. There are many forms of ice such as rime, icicles, clathrate hydrates, and solid carbon dioxide or "dry ice." A Cryokinetic can only form ice not move it for they can only freeze, but they can beak and crack ice via a reversal melting process if they have a partial usage of Pyrokinesis, in which most do. If an individual is 50% Cryo and 50% Pyro they are considered a Thermokinetic. All Cryokinetic's much keep in mind at all times the three phases of transition: gas, liquid, and then solid. If you are looking for the movement of ice and not the transitional process I suggest reading up on Geokinesis.

Areas Of Study:
To comprehend this kinetic ability from more of a scientific point of view one should read up on Cryogenics and Thermodynamics.

Associated Enhancement Stones:
Cryokinesis - Garnett.

Misconceptions and Myth:
Mistakes for Cryokinesis are that it not only creates ice, but also enables the movement of ice, this is not true. Cryokinetic's are only able to induce the temperature phase transitions of gases to liquid and liquids to solids via the deceleration of molecules. If you are looking for the movement of ice look into Geokinesis. Geokinetics can move the minerals in the ice not the ice itself

Different forms of Cyrokinetic's:
*Externally Long Distance: Cryokinetic's in which can work at a distance in temperature decreases, meaning they can be far from the material in which they are attempting to freeze.
*Externally Short Distance: Cryokinetic's in which can only work at close distances to the material in which they are attempting to freeze such as actual physical touch or being within two to five feet.
*Internally: Crykinetic's in which can only decrease temperatures internally and cool themselves.

Symptoms and Side Effects for Cryokinesis

* Intense Temperature Tolerance: Cryokinetic's tend to be able to adjust their temperatures as to better tolerate cold to extreme freezing temperatures. Most individuals cringe at 30 to 0 degree temperatures while a Cryokinetic wouldn't substantially cringe until into the negative zeros.
* Temperature Manipulation: This side effect can produce itself in more then one way so I will label a few of the most common. The first is temperature cooling during times of fear or rage for those still performing on a subconscious level. For those performing on a conscious level they should be able to decrease temperatures by at least 5 to 10 degrees. This measurement should be measures via a thermostat or thermometer. Other Cryokinetic's complain of "absorbing heat" from food in that from the time it takes them to remove heated food from it's heating source to the time they sit down to eat the food have already begun to go noticeable cold. This time or gestation would be no longer then 1- 2 minutes to go from hot to lukewarm or cold.


Those with cryokinetic abilities that can not control them are operating or performing them subconsciously. To gain the control to perform on command or consciously one needs to analyze events. Look at the events in which you preformed the ability and attempt to find patterns. Once patterns are found you can appropriately recreate a scenario to trigger an event thus allowing you to choose when to use the ability. Uncontrolled gifts can be very DANGEROUS to yourself and others if not properly balanced and controlled. Some kinetic abilities can cause severe chronic illnesses and even become fatal if not properly controlled. Control comes from analization, understanding and exercising your gift.